What fascinates me about the Grizzlies is their behaviour. I don’t want to say it is like human behaviour, but when you see the playfulness of the cubs, it’s like a small child playing, bouncing around, having fun, exploring things. And then you see the lovingness of the mother and how careful she is with her cubs. You watch the boars – just a magnificent animal, how proud they are, and how gracefully they move, looking at their eyes and at their expressions. It’s just a sheer pleasure to watch the bears in their own environment, doing what they do, living life, enjoying it. But you do have to step out of your comfort zone, to be willing to get out there, to be part of nature and to explore it.
Watching the bears come down to the river, taking the salmon, eating some of it and leaving the rest for the crows, the ravens, the Bald Eagles and the Osprey, you can see the every animals plays an important role and is a part of a larger system. Realizing that I am part of that too is just humbling!